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Hot Legs!!

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Milosevic | 06:57 Sun 17th Aug 2014 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
For the past week I've been having an odd sensation in my legs, primarily the left one. Just below the knee almost to the inner side . It's feels incredibly hot inside but the skin outside is normal temperature to the touch. It feels like I am sitting very close to some heat source. I don't have any spots, marks or lesions on my legs. It seems to come in "waves" I;E sometimes it gets even hotter inside although I'm always aware of it feeling hot. Any ideas??!!


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\\\Any ideas??!!\\\

No! Nothing sinister springs to mind.

Have you any underlying disease process for which you are being treated and are you taking any medication?

You do not mention pain in your legs, so i assume that you can walk some distance without pain in your calves?
A vein becoming varicosed maybe? but usually they feel tender too.

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Hot Legs!!

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