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Under Active Thyroid

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Barsel | 19:44 Sun 31st Aug 2014 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
If you have an under active thyroid and have to take Levothyroxine, how often should you have your blood checked to make sure you are on the right amount?


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I have mine done 6 monthly.
I'm on a yearly follow-up programme
What was your last TSH level?

How long have you been on Levothyroxine and what dose are you on?
I'm every six months :)
Barsel, has your GP not talked you through this?
I go every six months .When it was first diagnosed it was every three months until they got the dose correct .
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Thanks for your answers. I have been on thyroxine for many years and I have no idea what my THS level is, I don't even know what that means. it's 9 months since I had my blood tested and the dosage was reduced from 150 mg to 100 mg but just lately I have been really tired, have put on weight and am also constipated and just wondered if I am on a high enough dose or whether the symptoms are caused by something else.
They are still adjusting my dose but I am always tired, lethargic and I have to exercise like a demon to keep the weight off which of course makes me even more tired. It's a miserable thing, and if you suspect your dose is wrong then go to them early and ask for it to be tested. Good luck.
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Ok kvalidir I might just do that as I think mine is only tested every year and don't want to feel like this for another 3 months if this is what the problem is.
No harm getting it checked, barsel. Hopefully easily resolved.
I would. I'm going back about mine next week when I see the Dr. As you say it's a very debilitating feeling, so needs sorting out.
six months if stable; however if it falls off because you go hypo or hyper, then it will probably be two to three months to get it back to stability.
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Thanks again for all your answers.

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Under Active Thyroid

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