..and have a night off. I'm doing a portrait for a friend for Xmas and I have been working on it every night Sunday-Thursday and I'm nearly there, just need to finish the hair, ears, eyes, mouth and collar (the latter should take all of 5 mins each) but I really want to have a night off even though I know I have loads of other things to do over the coming days. So do you think I should treat myself and have a night off or promise to do an hour tonight and stop. I'm torn
Thank You Grasscarp. I've been laying the pressure on to get it done, I still have to make it into a cushion but I guess I can always plonk OH in front of the TV at the weekend and crack on ;)
Lol Tony, been chasing my tail for a long time, still haven't caught it!
I'm sure you'll get there though Daisy. It will be worth it in the end.
I've had a lot on my plate lately, my stitching has been a god send for me, if I get it finished I'll send you a photo, currently looks a little like Spock
Depends how you feel. QoM. I find if I'm in the mood to do it it will turn out ok, but if your mind is on other things leave it alone, don't rush that last part and spoil it all.
I want to do some AYG but I don't at the same time. I think a night off will re-focus my mind and I can settle with it tomorrow. I really don't want to make a mistake, although as a rule I do make a deliberate one, usually a stitch going the wrong way. But I feel good having a break, had some music on, played with the cat and had a wee chit chat with all you fabulous people :)
I do enjoy it Tilly, but I didn't last night I had a hypo half way through and it put me right off. I finished what I started but because I had to stop I lost my momentum to keep going :(
Its a wee bit more than a 25 min job, the hair will take a lot longer as there is quite a bit of thread change to do and its getting on a bit I don't like starting too late, sometimes I can start and I don't want to stop.