Dental Technician in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Dental Technician

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cupotee2 | 22:16 Thu 16th Apr 2015 | Health & Fitness
6 Answers
Having had a tooth extracted a few weeks back it now means I have a gap where once were 3 teeth..

I discussed a small denture with my dentist this week and asked about a metal plate as recommended by a friend who suggested it would be more comfortable that a regular type.

Shock horror when she says it would cost £750.....not made on the NHS.

Another friend has now suggested as she is petrified of the dentist she used a Dental Technician direct who made her a metal plate at a greatly reduced charge than I was quoted by my Dentist.

I've looked them up and it appears a good idea to get a quote.

Has anyone else used this method to get a denture made..please.
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cupotee - I am going through the procedure of getting the metal denture and it has cost me £1250 so £750 sounds good to me. My dentist so wanted me to go for implants - they would have been £4,000 to £5,000
If you go down this route, the technician must be a 'Clinical Dental Technician' and be registered with the General Dental Council. You can check this on the GDC website:

Come to Spain to have your dental work done. My OH had an implant made last year and cost about 750€. And very good it is too.
Hi cupotee
I was recently quoted £850 by my dentist (NHS) for a metal partial bottom denture - anything from £900 up by a dental technician.
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Heck, thats a lorra lorra lolly then to fill this gaping hole in my cakehole. I think I may have to settle for an NHS approved denture for £200 odd.

Just hope I can use it once its made.

Thanks for the imput.
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