A young female friend - 25 years old is constantly plagued with multiple mouth ulcers. She has been to her gp and had blood tests but the cannot find anything wrong She is otherwise healthy has a good diet and doesn't smoke. It is so bad sometimes that she has difficulty talking. She has got 7 ulcers at the moment and is at her wits end as this has been going on for years. Can anyone help please?
Anyway - If the GP can't find anything wrong, I'd go to another GP for a second opinion first. To alleviate in the mean-time, Corsodyl mouthwash is truly a godsend for mouth ulcers.
Ensure she is not eating/ drinking too much sugar as this can aggravate matters. Stress can also cause them apparently.
Thank you for your help. She has seen her dentist and he could find nothing wrong. Will mention the zinc defiency to her but the blood test would have picked this up surely. I cannot understand why an answer to a question such as this needed to be removed. Some people must have a strange sense of humour