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Psybbo | 20:04 Thu 15th Oct 2015 | Health & Fitness
10 Answers
Any advice to ease the pain in an 84 year old, please?


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Would a warm not hot herbal pillow/cushion help Psybbo? The elbow could just rest on it Plus an anti inflammatory
Horrid pain .... apart from painkillers I found that a small cushion under that hip helped... I lay down a bit too. The best thing was swimming and just walking in waist deep water.....actually stopped the pain on a few occasions. Really nasty pain.. you have my sympathy .... Oh and lying on the floor was good... but hard to get up again.
oh see it is not your hip ... cushion still works though.
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Thank you for your answers, I'll pass on your answers but I am a loss to know how to help her
Awful pain, you have my sympathy. Heat helps, obviously, as do a few painkillers. Longer term you need physio/massage/osteo to release the nerve. I have suffered from it so many times.

Right now, a hot-water-bottle on the back and after a few minutes try to stretch the nerve and free it. (Me, I drink a red wine with the paracetamol, but I must not advise that.) Good wishes for a decent night. xx
what does the doctor say?
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Woof, she won't bother the doctor, she even considered paying for her flu jab in Boots
At her age, I'd want to be sure its just a trapped nerve sciatica. All her life she has paid in to use the NHS :)
I have heard good things about the Bowen Technique. I`m sure some people here will think it is quackery but I know two people who have been helped by it.
One or maybe even two pillows under her knees at night, a really helpful sleeping position.

I am also a Hot water bottle fan , helps me and this year has been my worst yet with it.

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