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Update...sqad Are You There Please

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lilacben | 07:47 Tue 02nd Aug 2016 | Health & Fitness
107 Answers
my daughter had been suffering with three collapsed lungs over the past two years
I know dear sqad has been active on here but thought he may just read the messages so I am giving an update.
my daughter had her operation yesterday afternoon thank fully. just spoken to her etthis morning..she is very sleepy and sounded still doped up with hopefullu all went well . thankyou to evrryonr how spoke to me before and sent me messages. Brenda xx


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He knows the way home, that's the main thing ;o)
lol..indeed ! remember the John Smiths AD ??
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hello to you all again. I am so sorry if my post has caused some trouble for some . I had no intention of doing that.
murraymint ..that was so nice of you to contact sqad for me.....and to anyone else who has spoken to him about this.we now have our daughter home but she needs nursing for 7 to 10 days.just hoping she doesn't gèt into too much pain again or breathless or she will be back in hospital. I have morphine for her plus paracetamol and ibupfohen plus one other pain killer so really hopes it doesn't come to that .... ThAnkyou all are always there and helpful xxxx
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is there any nurses on here please? I could do with a bit of help Brenda xx
Hope you get some answers soon Brenda - if you are "frightened" - ring the emergency number.
Sqad always liked being updated on cases he'd advised on, so I don't think it's a problem. Best not offer him new illnesses, though.
Brenda, say what the problem is maybe that someone can offer advice.
Brenda can you speak to one of the nurses at your surgery?
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home plus Paracetamols and ibuprofen for my daughters pain . on the morphine it says as needed? i dont really think that is helpful.. it doesnt say for how long ...or within a certain time from the morphine and other pain killers? i wouldnt have thought they would be given all at the same time.? plus i know she has to have the dose less and less ...well I assume I do.? Brenda xx
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sorry the beginning was .. my daughter is home and they have sent morphine to use as well as morphine.
Brenda see my post at 10.52.
A pharmacist is well qualified to advise you on this, lilac.
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sorry it misses off ..our nurses or doctors don't work at the weekend . thankyou xx
yup, check with your local pharmacy.
Oh I see. Ours work until lunchtime. Then I would follow hc's suggestion
When you visit the pharmacist. Take all the medication, paperwork, with you, ask them to document their suggestions on paper and use it for reference at home.
I presume that your daughter is having chest pain.
I presume that a combination of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol is not controlling the pain.
I presume that your daughter has morphine tablets e;g 32mgm tablets.
She can take in combination with the above 32mgms of morphine every 4 hours ( if required)
Pain following that lung procedure is common and may last months.....but the combination of the above pain relief regime may be sufficient.
Nice to see you, Sqad :-)
I hope that you are enjoying your retirement Sqad. I knew that I recognised the user name but wasn't 100% sure until ummmm posted. You are a dam now.


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