Having done all the groundwork for my Daughter & her U/S Hubby, It's now time for the Membrane / hardcore to get put in, he has a different view, going off the internet to the way I have used it which it, lay Membrane on top of Clay etc then the Hardcore, Wacker down to get some level, then the top & final, in this case a product called MOT, your views?
M.O.T is a hardcore base which you lay before putting a patio down, its not pretty and not for decorative purposes, are you laying slabs or putting chipping down, if so i would put the membrane down next to last and cover with chippings or bark chip.
Being that money is an issue after an extension to their home, for now the final top will be MOT & wackered down check levels then fill in what's needed to finalise, that it the way I'd done my own drive before block paving but rather than MOT, Sand was used, thanks for the link Dave.
You really want the membrane as near to the surface as possible. Weed seeds will land and germinate but their roots should not penetrate the membrane, so they will easily pull out or die away. If you put the membrane too many layers down the weed roots will have further to grow and survive and be more difficult to pull out.
The problem there Bhj, if the Membrane is that close to the surface with the cars ( 2 ) turning their steering it will churn the MOT + the Membrane, I do understand your Idea though.
I don't know what MOT is TWR. We hve gravel in the front, where we have cars, and gravel on membrane over scalpings at the rear where we only walk. I felt that gravel over membrane would slide about too much if we drove cars over it (expected daughter to park in out living room).
MOT Is a mix of gravel Bjh, when Wackered well down it binds the Mix together well, it's brown in colour & very often used before Concreting a drive / path etc.
TWR...be careful not to Whacker the sharp MOT stone through the membrane.I find the membrane does very little to stop weeds because as bhg says most are from airborne seeds etc.
lol lol Hi Murray, If I was close to your area I would not hesitate to sort out your shed for you but it would be 2 cakes and a black coffee lol, regards I have done enough, they are no help at all, I'm into my late 60s & I regards myself as a fit person health wise, her OH is in his 40s & as much use as a chocolate tea pot, talk about work & he sweats, I will sort & finish the job as I have stated it, but it will be the last. xx