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Mixture Of Expectorant/stimulant. Mist. Expect Stim.

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dylanfanatic | 14:54 Fri 30th Dec 2016 | Health & Fitness
7 Answers
Does anyone know if this is still available please The army 'medics' from the 60's/70's will know what t is! it's ok, its nowt illegal, and available in the U.S.A., but I can't find it here in the U.K?


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what is the formula?
Google mist. expect Stim, lots of suppliers mostly abroad.
I am sure that you is just ammonium lactate, dirt cheap, ineffective and a bloody awful taste.
Why would anyone want to take it?
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Thanks folks, was ex R.A.M.C., Joined 1968 Keogh Barracks, and swear by these old remedies, 100% better than modern crap!
LOL...dylan.....Keogh Barracks must have known General Barnsley.
Ah but the old rule of thumb was the worse it tasted the better it was for you - garbage of course.
Nice article here...

//Got a bit of a cold (could have been chronic influenza or pneumonia), ‘give him some Mist Expect Stim’. (Mixture Expectorant Stimulant), - yeah, something to make you cough and spit up the nasty phlegm. Got a bad chest? Well, have a cigarette or two, that’ll break up the phlegm and get it off your chest!! These were the doctors (?) who, we suspected, had failed their medical exams but seeing that there was a war on and that the Army needed doctors to patch up the wounded soldiers, they were accepted and indoctrinated into the weird and wonderful practices of Army doctors.//

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Mixture Of Expectorant/stimulant. Mist. Expect Stim.

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