My husband has had a cough for about 15 months. He’s been to the doctor on numerous occasions and has had three chest x-rays (all clear) The doctor is at a loss to explain it so has referred him to the hospital thoracic dept. However his appointment isn’t until end of April. In the meantime he is suffering these bouts of coughing which last for about half an hour multiple times a day and night. He did take Collis Browne medicine occasionally which helped but is now discontinued. Can anyone recommend anything that might help please?
I have over production of mucus which is exacerbated by intolerance to dairy products. I wonder if he has similar rather than an allergy. Might be worth trying eliminating dairy foods for a while to see if it eases. Some of my medication too affects my lung problem, look through patients leaflet to see if it applies with his. Hope something helps him soon as I know what it's like for me.
Sqad you can't get ventolin OTC in the far as productive cough, GP who gave it to me said he needed to listen to my chest first to be sure that my lungs were clear.