Hi guys anyone got any tips that could help me get through the hot flushes of the menopause ? Don't want to take hrt , thought I'd started menopause bout 3 yrs ago but its much worse last 3 months
I'm in a similar situation, tezmand. I started having the hot flushes about 3 years ago. Like you I didn't want to go on HRT. Thankfully they seem to have dissipated, but I'm still getting drenching night sweats which are not fun.
Did you watch the Mariella Frostrup documentary about the menopause the other day? Worth a catch-up if you didn't. I'm back to thinking about HRT now.
Hi tezmand,
when you're getting a flush, don't have your arms touch your body, the heat radiates in to your skin. Alcohol can bring a flush on, as does too hot a drink! Try getting hold of some of those cool gel filled packs you can leave in the fridge, they really help you come back to normal temperature faster.
Yes cloverjo i did watch that programme still dont fancy hrt dont like the cancer risk as most of my immediate family have died of cancer , Eleena thanks for that tip bout arms , what us woman go through eh , wonder how many yrs ive got it for ?
I get a few but dont get terrible hot sweats at night, though slight perspiring sometimes. I was advised not to take HRT because my sister took it, then 2 years later, she had breast cancer and had to have one breast removed.
I do take a low dose anti depressant, which helps with hot flushes , apparently. I try not to put overly warm tops/ jumpers on. Just a t -shirt/ short sleeved top and long cardigan. Good luck with whatever you do!
Layer your clothes so you can peel off and stay decent, cool spray, mini fan, cooling pillow if you don't have cats ( they puncture them)
Old fashioned thin cotton nightdresses, keep spares by the bed for a quick change and big cotton towels are quicker to change than sheets.
Avoid alcohol, it really does make them worse, shops with air con are your happy place, but don't do what my sister did and be asked to leave m and s because she was standing almost in an upright freezer cabinet.