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Drinking Water

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jennyjoan | 10:21 Sun 15th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
You know diets advocate drinking 8 glasses of water a day. When I was working this was no problem but find it hard to get that amount down now not working.

Do you believe it helps or what.


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You don't need to drink that much. All fluids count, even alcohol and you get a lot of fluid from the food you eat.
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thanks HC - suppose your cups a tea and coffee count as well. Tho I do only drink 2 cups a tea per day
Drink when you're thirsty. Your body will tell you.
Recall you take in mousture with food anyway.

I suspect the water thing is to a) ensure that you aren't mixing up hunger with thirst, and b) hope that the water will stay in your stomach long enough that you'll feel full and reach the next mealtime without snacking.
The best way to know if you're hydrated enough is by the colour of your urine.
Moisture !!!
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what colour would that be Ummmm
Pale straw colour.
Discount the first bathroom visit of the day though.
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pale straw colour is good - is that right - and I guess what I had last week - cloudy - cloudy is that bad
What colour is pale straw colour ?
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LOL at Bazile - like my straws I drink out of are usually white
There was a trial done for a BBC programme. A pair of twins were used, one drank seven glasses of water a day for a set period while her sister drank normally.

The results found no significant difference in health.
What if your straws had stripes?
Cloudy is not good unless it is the first wee of the day
If you need to drink a lot of water it's easier to drink from a bottle. Big glasses of water in front of you are off-putting, whereas with a bottle you're not really aware of the large amount you're drinking.
Whereas I drink it from pint glasses with lots of ice.
As been said, JJ, water helps you feel full.
Keep drinking as much water as you can though, JJ. Cloudy looking urine is not a good sign. If it doesn't change, do get a sample tested at your GP surgery.
It would take me all day to drink a pint of water from a glass.
Lol..Naomi. I've always been a natural water drinker. I could probably down that pint glass of water within minutes! :-)

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