Any suggestion, I can use the assisted weights machines for everything else but just need to cover the middle bit. Can't do sit ups or lying down stuff as I would have trouble getting up from the floor.
side-bends seem to be a gentle exercise.
I think you're supposed to add weights and increase the weight over time.
A weight in one hand and side-bend with other arm over head and then swap.
Thanks, forgot side bends, hula hoop maybe not I never could do that... can't target weight loss but I can target tone, already improved a number of areas loads of weight to lose but want to tone as I go.
The Hula hoop is one of the exercises at my fitness class, new members always say they cannot do it, but persevere each week, not one of them has failed. The men are the funniest to watch but they get there as well. The same with the skipping.
An easy exercise ,without using weights,is to breathe out and at the same time tense your stomach muscles, hold for a count of ten,then relax and breathe in. Do as many reps as you feel comfortable with.This exercise can be done while sitting.