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Fao Chilldoubt Re Coronavirus.

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windywillow | 23:24 Mon 23rd Mar 2020 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
On another thread someone mentioned that masks don't work, and you replied that it depends on the mask.

Please could you tell us which masks we should be looking for, as both my husband and I are in the 'vulnerable' group because of age and health problems, and we are very worried for our future.

A link to where we could buy the masks would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.


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they dont work
save your money
it has been known for at least forty years
My old issue SR6 still works a treat but it tends to scare the kiddiwinks. Probably scare a few check-out ladies in Tesco also.
The answers so far seem a bit frivolous, but I sense your question is a serious one, and fear-driven, windywillow.
My belief is, any protection is better than no protection. There are numerous masks on Amazon. This is the one I have bought. User Recommendation
For additional protection, you could add a scarf over the mask. Even if they are not effective (and I see no evidence to suggest they are not) they will certainly make you feel a lot better.
Sorry windywillow, it won't let me access the web address of the mask I bought, probably because it is sold out. But there are plenty of others still available.
Please do not take this as a recommendation, these are what we are being issued and have been ‘Fit tested’ for in work:

And these:

These are for pictorial information only, I must stress that, but as I say they’re the 2 types we are using. Both are made by 3M.
Just to make you aware, we undergo testing and criteria when having ourselves fitted in order to ensure we have the best seal possible:
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Thanks to all, replies much appreciated.

Ringlet, yes, we are fearful. Thank you for trying to put up a link for me.
I'm with ringlet on this one.

If masks are ineffective, why are they worn by surgeons, dentists, nailbar operatives, doctors, nurses, soldiers, police, etc.

They change them often.

I have a proper face mask, work issued, and they are far too heavy to wear for long periods.
My understanding is that as there are many different grades/qualities of masks, they are effective to widely varying degrees and in different circumstances. The most commonly seen ones are basically paper squares or cup shaped ones with elastic bands to fit behind the wearer's ears. We are all familiar with this sort of mask as they are for example widely used by dentists and their nurses. All the information I have come across is that this type may be effective in catching much of the droplet output from an infected wearer but that they pass unhindered a certain amount of the very finest mist - these droplets are literally microscopic in size. Equally, the masks pass this portion through in reverse, from the surroundings into the airways of a healthy wearer. UK health workers have been complaining this is all they are issued with.

Truly effective masks are quite a lot more substantial in terms of materials, shape design, etc. These can be spotted in news reports where the type is/was available.

I have seen people wearing construction site masks - these are designed primarily to catch airborne dust particles and I imagine them to be no better as virus protection than the simplest paper ones.

Virus is viral. Unless mask is biohazard approved, all it will do it stop liquid landing on mask area and remind ou not to touch your face.

Either go hard or go home: User Recommendation
"If masks are ineffective, why are they worn by surgeons, dentists, nailbar operatives, doctors, nurses, soldiers, police, etc."

So they don't spit on your face my friend.
Presumably because medical staff use them properly

Vital for health workers, largely pointless for most other people
If you must get one it needs to be FFp3 or higher it 2pm only offer partial protection. It was interesting yesterday a biologist was interviewed and he said relatively large droplets carried the most risk. I want a second opinion
I`m not sure they are very effective as the virus is carried on larger droplets apparently. People wear them for a long time as well and they become damp which is a good breeding ground for other bacteria. They also need to be disposed of properly (ie not thrown on aeroplane floors after a flight for the poor cleaners to pick up which happens) I was thinking they might be useful to protect from other peoples' sneezing being that the hay fever season is arriving.
"I`m not sure they are very effective as the virus is carried on larger droplets apparently. "

Lets be careful now.
"People wear them for a long time as well and they become damp which is a good breeding ground for other bacteria. They also need to be disposed of properly (ie not thrown on aeroplane floors after a flight for the poor cleaners to pick up which happens)"

100%, also not to mention people reuse them and they also don't always wear them properly.
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Thanks again, all.

Chill, I tried your first link but unfortunately they are out of stock.

May I ask what you think (and anyone else of course) of the following mask as it is showing 'in stock for fast delivery' and a lot of places have sold out of masks:

3M 8835 Premium FFP3 respirator for fine toxic dusts, ideal for use with asbestos, hard wood dust, MDF dust, loft insulation/fibre glass, silica (I've copied the description off the website).

We have no choice but to go out occasionally, we will of course follow all the recommendations about social distancing, but it is still a worry (as, no doubt, it is for us all).
Looks like a more than adequate replacement to me, better than nothing but it looks up to the job, plus it’s 3M so reputable too.
Is what I say about the mask and air born not true?

I guess a mask is better than no mask, and a proper mask is better than a nonproperer one (but a non propper one is still better than nothing?)

But am i right in saying 09:05 and 09:39?

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