For about a month now I have had some discomfort round the middle of my stomach, underneath my breasts radiating to my back. Also a couple of episodes of diarrhoea but I think that might have been the prawns I ate. I have noticed this morning some yellow mucus in my stool so will definitely give the Doctor a ring about it on Monday. Just wondering if anyone else has had these sort of problems and was it serious. Strange thing is when I stand up the pain seems to go. Would it be safe to take some painkillers do you think.
No need for concern at this stage, as it is either dietary or a mild infection.
For the next few days have a rather bland diet, fish, chicken or whatever and cut out spicy foods or additives.
This should settle you down over the weekend, but if the pains get worse or diarrhoea progresses, then contact your GP.
No I haven't had such symptoms but I bet plenty of ABERS have -;0.
No I would keep clear of pain killers if possible.
Thanks for the reply and added information.
It does sound as though you have fatty stools (steatorrhea), just cut out all fatty foods and my advice above remains.