Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Blood Pressure Query
7 Answers
I don't know what the blood pressure readings mean, but at an unrelated appointment with nurse at surgery she took my blood pressure only because she said I hadn't had it read for a while. She took it on one arm (right) and didn't seem to like the result so took again on the other. I tried to remember the figures but now I am not sure. I normally have low/lower blood pressure if anything but usually within normal readings, but I have had quite stressful anxiety filled few weeks so I have been using my smart watch today and been checking my blood pressure at regular intervals. How reliable do you think they are? The last reading says 138/82 as I am sitting on sofa watching tv - is that normal range?
I wouldn't rely on a Smart Watch. 138/ 82.... highish, but not a big deal as one isolated reading and certainly no reason to panic. It couldn't have been too high at the surgery otherwise the nurse would have taken some action. Don't worry.
19:33 Tue 05th Apr 2022
I've been taking my own blood pressure as I have just started a new medication. The nurse wanted morning and night for two weeks. It varied wildly, mostly through stress of trying to set it up on my own! I had readings similar to that on several occasions and she wasn't bothered. My BP is usually within normal parameters.
You might find this helpful, Karamia:
https:/ /www.bl oodpres sureuk. org/you r-blood -pressu re/unde rstandi ng-your -blood- pressur e/what- do-the- numbers -mean/