Been for blood tests today.
(As requested for by my GP 2 weeks ago)
As I have been experiencing heavy heartbeat and shortness off breath.
(Since the start of taking BP meds about 6 months ago)
The tests were for kidney and thyroid function
and one was labeled as sob which I presume is shortness off breath??
Just wondered how either of these tests can detect a cause of shortness of breath?
Abnormal kidney and thyroid function can be a cause of breathlessnes BUT only form part of an investigation routine for breathlessness in a patient under investigation.
I had shortness of breath before being diagnosed with under-active thyroid - in fact, GP at first thought I had late onset asthma and I was given an inhaler.
//I had shortness of breath before being diagnosed with under-active thyroid - in fact, GP at first thought I had late onset asthma and I was given an inhaler.//
Im more convinced that it was the meds that were prescribed.
OK previous, and not to bad since ive stopped taking them tbh.
//A failing kidney can't get rid of bodily fluids, so the fluids build up in the lungs causing shortness of breath//
That makes sense, thanks.
I like to learn...