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More Victims Of Hamas....

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ToraToraTora | 10:29 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
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they did not have to drop a massive bomb on them did they. they could have gone in to arrest him or used snipers. hamas didn't drop the bomb and the survivors will not see it that way either. 

it's the IDF who are cowards here. instead they chose to drop huge bomb and kill everyone in the area, including children. 

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Hamas created the conditions for this action.

and israel created the conditions for hamas. where does the blame stop?

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Well I think it's stretching it to say Hamas is a creation of Israel,you mean muslim terrorists loved Israel before they had a name?

I mean that hamas was founded in order to violently resist israeli occupation. no occupation, no hamas. 

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Here's a view from the son of a Hamas founder:


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10:40 Israel has been there for 5000 years. They are mentioned in the bible you know, in fact the second book is all about them.

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Islam is a very recent religion.

"Israel created the conditions for Hamas" ?!

Hamas violently rejects Israel's existence.  You are seriously not saying that Israel shouldn't exist?  

//no occupation, no hamas. //


No Israel.

Israels' idea of a ceasefire is one where all of Gaza has been eliminated. All of it, and everyone in it. No exceptions. When that happens, there'll be a ceasefire.

Given a bit of research you'll find Hamas has a similar plan for Israel, clarion.

israel existed before it occupied gaza and would continue to exist without it. israel has a right to exist but it does not have a right to conquer, occupy, and brutalise whichever territories it might fancy.

Know Islam, no peace

No Islam, know peace

//israel has a right to exist//


Hamas disagrees with you, untitled, and yet you support them.

The weapons used were smart bombs and would have been guided to their target by an external operative who had intel about the intended victim 9what they looked like, what they were wearing). So they got their target but also killed 91 innocent people and injurred 300 others.

// Based on Israel's stated target, Wes Bryant, a retired US Air Force master sergeant and strike and joint targeting expert, said it would have been feasible to avoid collateral damage in the surrounding area. 

"My assessment is that any civilians killed in this strike were in the compound -— not in the surrounding vicinity. So the IDF either failed to assess presence of civilians, or... deemed the risk to civilians proportional to the military advantage of taking out the Hamas leaders." //

IDF must have known the designated Safe Zone was densely pack with people, but bombed anyway because they were Palestinians and therefore expendable.

If the IDF had Intel that the Hamas leader was in a crowded market in a different part of town surrounded by 300 jewish citizens, do you think they would have dropped those huge bombs there ?

That is totally irrelevant Gromit.  If there were a lot of Jewish there it is unlikley the crowd would have terroirists amongst so going in and getting them would be safer and easier.

Why should the IDF risk their lives going in to get terrorists when many of the people they are hiding amongst support them and many armed too who would attack from sniper positions?

Thank you TTT for highlighting this war crime.

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