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And On An Olympics Theme …..

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naomi24 | 16:41 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

How sporty were you at school?  Netball, hockey, rounders, gymnastics, javelin, discus and hurdling (to a degree) for me - but I've never won a running race in my life.



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I swam for my secondary school. Won 2 medals.

I love swimming but never took it up as a sport.

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I liked swimming too, Sharon.  Still do!

I wasn't one bit 'sporty' at school. My PT teacher's comment on one of my school reports: 'Tries hard, but needs more dash and go.' I couldn't see any fun in playing football in the icy-cold winter, whilst wearing little shorts and short-sleeved shirt. Cricket? I was once one of the two batsmen in a school match. The other batsman got all the points for scoring runs when he hit the ball, but I got no points, even though I had to run as well. Sporty? Not me.

I won the junior vitrix(?) ludorum at the end of the third year. That was for the 100 yards, the long jump and the hurdles. I got a cup!

I also won the School Victrix Ludorum - sprints and high and long jumps and relay.  I won a cup, too, Mum was very proud.

I was sent to the area sports to compete, but with no high-jump training I couldn't beat the girls from schools that had this.  Possibly one of the reasons I ended up a national level High Jump coach.  My daughters and athletes did win.

Netball team all the way through the school. Granddaughter is curently Netball captain at he university (we both play(ed) Goal Defence.  Hated hockey, but could run fast and hit left-handed so I charged up and down on Left-wing. School Vice-Sports-Captain etc. Yes, to most sports - never liked swimming and I'm lousy at hitting a tennis ball.

I played tennis, badminton, netball and did gymnastics. I was always the GS in netball. I won a medal once for 'balancing a book on the head' race on Sports' Day!

Hockey, netball, gym work, tennis .... learned to swim properly after school.  Tried badminton but hopeless at it!

I was quite sporty at school. Particularly sprint, hurdles and cross country. I loved rounders and would play it now if I could. I was also a very good swimmer but good fed up with it by about the age of 15

I had little stamina but I was very quick and also good at high jump.  I had absolutely no hand to eye coordination so anything involve a ball was out and also had the grace and elegance of a baby elephant so gym was out too.  I wasn't interested in team sports, I was only ever interested in riding.  We were lucky enough to have land and stabling and a good food and bedding supply so I had ponies from about the age of 4 and every spare moment was pony-related.  I did compete (at a v low level).  Lucinda Prior Palmer (as she was then) was my absolute hero!

bookbinder, you were sporty enough to be the only male to answer - so far ;)

I was extremely sporty at school and often went home with the injuries to prove it, even had some visits to A&E. Enjoyed good hand and eye coordination so quite excelled at certain sports: lacrosse, netball, tennis, rounders. I won a few running races too. Looking back now it all seems unbelievable, the ravages of old age.

I was in the school's netball team and was captain of the rounders team at one point but I was hopeless at gymnastics and really disliked the lessons. 

Without doubt tennis was my game. I loved it. I used to beat everyone at school, even a couple of teachers in my final year. But such was the way of the world in those days, there was no way my parents could afford all the equipment, so it was just playing in the local park. But I did play other sports for the school, cricket, rugby, basketball but not with the same entusiasm as tennis. Rod Laver was my absolute hero. 

I hated about half the sports on the curriculum, except volleyball and basketball. I enjoyed softball to a degree, but my lopsided vision meant I had trouble judging the distance of the ball. Gymnastics was my idea of hell...running around a track was ok-ish. Swimming was introduced when my school built a pool...another case of poor eyesight meaning I was terrified of the pool. Hand/eye coordination? What's that??

Just remembered that field hockey was fun as was soccer. 

Soccer is a girls game in America. In the UK we play football.

10cs - Pastafreak was a schoolgirl in America.

As a school-girl, I held school and district records in shot-putt, discuss and javelin. I used to play table-tennis and had quite a lot of local success; I'd have been a lot more successful at full-sized tennis if I could have got the service-ball over the net rather than into it.

Badminton and squash were attempted but were found to be incompatible with my newly acquired smoking habit....

I loved netball, basket-ball, hockey, football and rounders (and was house-captain, and school-captain in all of them). 

We started playing womens cricket in my last year of 6th form and thoroughly enjoyed that for a brief summer.

I wasn't bendy enough for gymnastics .....

Lordy, it sounds like I am describing a different person.

I was good at gymnastics and dance and went into competitions but not very good at sports at all. I can still remember the horror at primary school of being made to take a shot at a netball goal in a game and missing by miles. WhenI actually started teaching myself in a secondary school I had timetable fillers and one was to take the 4th year girls for netball as referee. OMG they ran rings round me, horrendous.

All the sports and games mentioned in this thread. Those were the good days . Today most schools say they can't afford to do sports.Makes you wonder what's going wrong.

Swimming, diving only. Did rugby and football but not for me.

Hated sports, particularly anything in the gym.

I did however once play netball for the school and was awarded a sash. I got shouted at so much by the team captain that I just gave up, had to go to school on a Saturday too for it. Dreadful.

I 'played' tennis in lunch break because the tennis courts were next to the boys school.... 😉

I was a swot and was last to be picked for team games.

I hated PT then and don't follow or like any sport now.

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