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Have You Ever Randomly Found Youself On A You Tube Vid?

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nailedit | 18:40 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

Found myself on a couple going back years and then the recent riots here in Stoke and I seem to be on a lot.

Made me realise at least that I need to lose some weight...



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You went rioting?


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No Tills, I went videoing and documenting what was happening to the town that I love...

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Must admit tho that the adrenalin rush of bricks flying through the air, the agression of the police, and the taugnts of the muslims made an exciting day...

Except for what's posted here I don't really watch YouTube but I've seen myself on television when I wasn't expecting it.

Nailedit, I know that the protests seem to have died down for now.  But if you find yourself in the midst of a riot you may find yourself getting caught up in the violence.

Please reconsider your stance.  You have told us yourself that you are not a happy drunk.

Many people on AB care about you x

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//I've seen myself on television when I wasn't expecting it.//

I once took my (then) family to the studios of mastermind in Manchester. Some weeks later when it was aired it was a weird exprerianvce to see yourself in the opening shots of the audience. John Humphries was great tho.

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Wolf, I greatly appreciate your concern, thank you. But my addiction issues are seperate from my  other beliefs.

Its a strange one, I know....

Was that you in a white t-shirt?

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No Tills.

Hang on and I will try and find a vid...


I'm hanging.

Spotted my self on Google Street View in Verona.  Dose that count?

Saw myself on You Tube video when visiting the Fleet Air Arm museum a few years ago.  We were watching a diplay showing a film from HMS Ark Royal from around 1975 and all of a sudden there I was on a couple of occasions.  Funny at the time thinking there I was a museum piece.  

Wish I was youtube famous.

Could be loved or hated by millions😒

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