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Belly Pork Slices In Air Fryer

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Vagus | 14:52 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
4 Answers

Doing to above tonight, having it with roasted broccoli and cauliflower with garlic and coriander, and carrots roasted with honey and soy sauce.

Id normally grill the belly pork, the rest will be done in the oven. Any tips for air frying the belly pork? From what I've read online I reckon 180o for 15 mins, turn them over and do for a further 15 mins...does that sound right? My air fryer doesn't need to preheat.



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god can I come around - I will bring veeno - and not your cheap plonk

Sounds lovely! Are you marinating the pork slices first?


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No curly, I think there's enough tasty stuff going on with the cauli and broccoli, and carrots. We're having a big dollop of lingonberry jam with it too, instead of apple sauce.

Would you marinade it?

I'd probably do BBQ or smoky bourbon or something like that but that's a popular sort of thing in my household. Your menu sounds really nice.

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Belly Pork Slices In Air Fryer

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