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Good Morning Very Early Birds!

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Smowball | 05:59 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
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Morning! Can't sleep so have given up lol. Was  watching the torrential rain out of the bedroom window at 2.30am - it was running down our road like a mini river and our gravel driveway was turning into a paddling pool, but it seems to have calmed down for now. I can't stand it when the days get shorter and the nights get longer - just a couple of months ago it was B-road day.ightbat 4.30 am, and not it's still pitch black.As long as it's dry & light I like to be outside. Even just sitting in the garden. But as soon as it starts to get dark early the evenings just seem too long sat indoors.....

Anyway, I've a busy-ish day today what with one thing and another. Hope everyone had a good weekend?x



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Good Morning Very Early Birds!

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