ear pain during flight in The AnswerBank: Travel
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ear pain during flight

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falky | 20:34 Sat 13th May 2006 | Travel
6 Answers
how can i prevent or reduce ear pain while coming into land and taking off. Is there any tips anyone knows of ? thanks
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I have resorted to taking a painkiller about half an hour before landing as nothing else I do works. The pain is bearable then. I don't seem to be affected by taking off.

This is most likely to happen when landing. The air pressure in the cabin is increasing, and beginning to push on the outside of your ear-drum. The trick is to increase the pressure on the inside of the ear-drum and so balance it out. Close your mouth, pinch your nose, and blow very gently until you feel your ear 'pop'. You can try that now, if you like. Sometimes, your ear may not actually 'pop', but you should still feel some relief from the pain.

When you are taking off, the opposite is happening - the cabin air pressure is getting less as the plane climbs, and the air pressure on the inside of your ear-drum starts to push outward. For some reason, I find the same 'pop your ears' method seems to work here, too.

(The traditional, and not so good, method was simply to use a swallowing action, and airlines used to give out boiled sweets before take-off for this reason. The problem remained - since everyone would have finished their sweets before the plane even got to the runway!)

And when you hold your nose and blow, your mouth shouldn't be full of air. In other words your cheeks shouldn't expand. Put your tongue at the roof of your mouth, plug your nose and blow. This method is not only used for high elevation, it is also used for scuba and skin diving. It's very affective. If that don't work,try some Jack Daniels and a Vicodin... :-) good luck
the best and simplest trick i have learned is to move your jaw backwards and forwards as far as possible during take offs and landings, this helps with pressure equalisation.
You may look stupid, but will feel a million times better.

Try Yawning constantly, it always works.

well i use otogesic ear drop 10 min before flight and have no problem other wise i have stabing pain during flight but i advise u to talk medical practioner before using it.

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