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Back ache

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jeanette1976 | 13:52 Mon 31st Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
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The small of my back is really hurting today... usually I just go to the loo and twist and stretch about until it clicks, but my back won't seem to let me today and is pretty painful.

I have Tiger balm, but its not fair to stink the office out.

Also, i'm single and my flatmate is away so can't get anyone to massage it!



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Get 2 dining room chairs, stand between them with the backs each side and touching your hips, take the weight of your body with your hands on the backs and lock your arms then bend your knees and just rest your toes behind you on the floor, completly relax your spine, it takes a bit of practise to do this.

If you do this properly you will feel your spine click and when I do it I always feel better afterwards.

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Back ache

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