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yummymum | 19:45 Wed 24th Jan 2007 | Health & Fitness
2 Answers
Can anyone help, I cant seem to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time then i wake up in the morning and dont want to get up. Im 4 months pregnant so i do get up for the toilet a lot, however i have noticed that if i dont drink after 8pm I can limit it to once during the night. This means I cant have a milky drink before bed though as i dont go to bed till 10ish..Any other ideas?


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I can't really help with the drink situation I'm afraid, but I was the same when I was pregnant. I woke up such a lot and didn't feel refreshed. I used to wake up at the same times each night - maybe baby was getting herself into a routine, my friend was the same, do you always wake at certain times?

Late in my pregnancy I found out about a natal hypnotherapy cd. It might sound like gobbledygook to some people, but I listened to it every night and not only did it prepare me for the birth and make me much more relaxed about the whole thing, but it also sent me into a very deep sleep and I felt much more refreshed in the morning. I can give you more details if you can't find it on the net and you're interested.

Good luck!
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hi aniseed, i would be interested in that cd if you could post the details Thanks, when i wake up depends on how much i need the toilet to be honest the only time i wake up at same time is about 6am

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