Right, im a female 22 years old and just recently over the last year or so my memory has gotten so bad. I dont know if this is just because i am ditsy/dont always take things in/having a lot on my mind i have been really stressed out lately. But i was at work today, and i have been in my new house for 2 weeks now, and i couldnt even remember what my bathroom looked like at all...then it came back after thinking hard about it. Other things like i will get a text message and read it and 5 mins later will have forgotten who text me and have to look to check - all this sounds silly but its worrying me. My friend said that because i have a very boring repetetive job where i dont really need to use my brain for (i work in a factory) , that not using your brain can infact make your memory worse? is this true? Also does anyone else my age get this and is it abnormal? cheers
If you are overtired or stressed this can have an enormous effect on your memory, from your question you have recently moved, this is stressful enough - so dont be too hard on yourself, jus relax, take some time out and have some rest and relaxation....have you been sleeping/eating ok? Whatever the reason, just take a break - a holiday even and you should be ok.
You may have a mild form of ADHD. No harm in having a word with your GP about it. It may be stress related, hormonal or you may just be naturally a bit dippy and you get stressed when you need to recall something.