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heel pain

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bensmum | 21:21 Mon 26th Feb 2007 | Health & Fitness
11 Answers
I have had quite severe heel pain (plantar fascitis) for a number of months. It comes and goes but is currently driving me mad. Has anyone used or done anything that actually helped? I've read about heel supports - do they work?


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Interestingly enough some foot supports were shown on Dragons Den recently. The person walked over the screen and showed the deformed regions where support was necessary. They decided not to back it when the price of �500 for the shoe inserts was mentioned.
I have had plantar fascitis for a number of months and a partial cure was obtained by buying a shoe insert with extra support for the instep, cost �9. The tendon under the foot causes the problem. I will try to dig out the advert.
These are the supports I bought. They are called arch supports 5003. My problem has certainly diminished. nsoles_Foot_Supports.html
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Thanks for that - I will certainly try it.
my husband was off work for 6 months with the pain and had 2 sets of injections and loads of physio and pain killers. It has got better but he has had to switch jobs within the company and a drop in pay because of it. He uses the gel foot insoles and that seems to help
Steer clear of the ordinary shoe insoles. I tried them, useless! Its the tendon under the instep that needs added support which stretches and sometimes tears. This leads to the heel pain.
Yes, you need the ones I recommended - they're sort of curved with a thicker inner part (clear as mud!) - but I'm sure plantar fasciitis is mentioned on the packaging. The ones that say soft cushioned/gel etc are no use.
My GP was all set to inject the soles of my feet with hydrocortisone before I discovered these.
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Thank you all for these suggestions - I am ordering some supports this weekend and I have also found some exercises on a web page which seem to help as well. I am reluctant to go to the doctors for injections so hopefully it won't last for too many more months!
Has anyone tried 'Reflexology' for this? That area of the foot repesents the lower spin & back.
Well the pain certainly transfers itself to your back - but that's because the foot pain makes you walk so badly.

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