Emergency ! Help!! in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Emergency ! Help!!

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maskh3000 | 15:37 Tue 08th May 2007 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
Im 24 years old, I 've had sex with my boyfriend in 28th of march (the last day of my period ) withaout condom .I was waiting for my period this month in 26th,today is 8th of may and it's overdue now. I took 2 peregnency test ,they both have been nagative ,but still there is no signe of period . I'm too worried about it coz Im not registerd by a Dr in here.I despretly need help coz Im alone here and my boyfriend is away at the moment . anyone can healp??!!! please
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I wouldnt worry, pregnancy tests are normally accurate, chances are your period will come in a few days, for future reference please use a condom or other form of contraceptive

its pretty safe to have sex just following your period, your fertile time is 14 days prior to your period
your period can be late without you being pregnant. Take a test every few days and if still negative and no sign of period after 3 weeks then see the GP where you are. You dont have to be registered there and can fill out a temporary resident form,
perhaps in future you will be more careful.
Stress can be a factor in the timing of your period, you sound stressed, dont worry until you have something to worry about.
These over the counter test kits are VERY accurate and it is highly unlikely that they will show a negative result if you are pregnant and some will show a positive result when or soon after your period is due.
you could also go to your local family planning clinic for help and advice if you're not registered with a GP
i could skip a month and not be pregnant, are you normally regular?

count 30days from the first day of your last period. that should be your due date.

oh wow! read the post again! what kind of test are you taking???????

if you were pregnant, a good test will show a pos. in seconds.
try one more.
Make sure you do another test in a week or so. My first test came back negative... i'm now 30 weeks pregnant. So dont take any risks!
I beg to differ with most of you. My over the counter test said negative, when I was pregnant.

Maskh3000 I would have thought you should be ok if you had unprotected sex on the last day of your period. However, you should use this opportunity to register with a doc. and get a test. Failing that, take a sample to your local family planning clinic.

Good luck and let us know, won't you.

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