I know some people get pregnant and still have periods for the first few months and they say that's how they didn't know they were pregnant but are those periods just as normal or are they irregular or light or heavy or anything like that? Did anyone still have a few periods when they were pregnant? Were they abnormal or exactly the same?
I don't think they can actually, if all possible reasons for a period changing has been iliminated, but there is a definate difference, maybe an eptopic pregnancy, but the pain would let you knwo about that soon enough
I had periods with both of my children..... oddly I still tested, with the first one. Not extra heavy, and the bleeding stopped and started. I had them till I was 5 months both times around. The first time, I had a scan at the EPAC to check but the second time, I knew it was the same thing.
an eptopic is when the fertilised egg embeds in the fallopian tube on it's way to the womb and starts to develop, of course there is no room and it can be excrutaitingly painfull and cause damage and is not viable, it is quite common
the pain would more than likely be in the lower left or right quadrant though and sometimes pain in the shoulder. The tummy is almost unbearable to touch.
Lets say for example, that the person was within days of finding out they were pregnant they could still be implantation pains and bleeding.
Cervical erosion also causes bleeding in pregnancy, not really a problem, might have to watch how you have sex till the second trimester.
Hi Rubyrose. If someone knows they are pregnant and has vaginal bleeding, it is wise to seek medical advice. Potential reasons for bleeding are many but particularly miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, as dot has indicated. If the person has pain, this is also concerning.
It could just be a normal period, of course, but if a positive pregnancy test has been taken then it is best to get things checked out.
Advice would be to seek opinion from professionals.
I had two periods when I was pregnant with my daughter and no other symptoms, therefore had no clue I was expecting. I had the shock of my life when the midwife told me how far gone I was!