Numb foot when running
Hi I have had this problem for about 2 to 3 yearsnow. When I run after about 4 or 5 miles my right foot ( the bit between the top of the foot and the shin) goes all numb and then the foot goes numb. I dont get pain but it feels like I am runningon a stump. I have run for years and had no problems apart from about 10 years ago when I did the coast to coast walk. I stopped running for a few years but really miss it. So i decided to give it a go again but the problem still appears. I saw my gp who wasnt very responsive. I went to St Georges hospital and had electrical tests and nothing was found and an mri scan found out nothing. I am convinced by news on other forums that this is caused by my running style and the way my feet contact the ground. Does anyone else suffer this problem and know of a potential cure. If it is my running gate. is there anywhere I can go to get help ie somewhere where they test your running style and sort you out for special shoes etc. I have seen somewhere where you can have a video done and then see on a computer if any problems etc any help greatfully accepted. I am enterend for the edinborough marathon next may 2008 so I have 9 months to help stop this so pleas e any help greatfully received.