i have a really bad cough which hurts at the top of the chest/bottom of the throat. whenever i cough it leaves a metallic taste in the mouth, any ideas?
I'd suggest having a really hot bath, putting some comfies on (PJs or trackies or something) and making sure you keep really really warm and drinking lots of hot liquids.
Are you coughing anything up or is it dry / tickly? How long have you had it?
i know it is not a cold, no blocked or runny nose... had it about 3/4 weeks now very dry and getting gradually worse. coughing fits about every 10/15 mins, sometimes to the point of wretching.
thought i would have got a little help from this site but i will be going to see the doctor.
We are not doctors. See a doctor. Dont take the funny comments personally or too seriously. If we knew that you were dying we wouldnt make jokey comments.
went to gp today, he seems to think it may be stomach acid that is causing irritation and causing the coughing, this would explain the burning sensation i had in the chest the other night.
he has prescribed 'lansoprazole' 30mg gastro-resistant capsules, should see some results in next 3-10 days.. if it works...? will keep you posted
My husband has a hiatus hernia pk & takes the same medication as you've been prescribed. They have helped a great deal, so I'm sure they will for you too. ;o}