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im worried about a certain chatterbanker

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legend002 | 02:27 Fri 08th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
ive read posts telling of excessive drinking , 1 litre of vodka in a night.and ive read theres also a drug dependancy too.its scary stuff because you wouldnt joke about such things would you?well i know i wouldnt.theres even been hints at solvent abuse i know a lot of chatterbankers must suffer from problems like this , though they may not post about it.what can be done to help someone whos fallen so far to end up there?
its truly sad


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'its scary stuff because you wouldnt joke about such things would you?'

So why, exactly, are you taking the p!ss and making so many threads about this? Don't you have anything better to do than ridicule people worse off than you? People who are struggling? No matter what the circumstances, and I don't know them, but surely as a human being, you'd have some tiny bit inside you that would stop you posting such utter rubbish threads and get some selt respect, yeah?
That song is truly sad. Probably makes anyone who knows someone who has died of cancer want to cry, as this is what the song is about. Not smackheads. Under the Bridge would be a better song choice for discussing illegal drug or solvent abuse.
oh i think that is so caring of you, maybe you should start a collection up for them and them somewhere they canb appreciate and validate a bettwer style of living, i suggest cancuun would be the destination of choice. go on, you know you want to doll
Legend.....I'm just about to make a cup of tell me this....if I put 3 spoons instead of 2 will that make me an Horlicks addict!!!
yes - but you won't half smell sweet! xx
Question Author
goody i think its relevant to many different situations , as are most songs .princess im only replying to threads posted.surely worse would be to post threads saying youre an alcoholic or drug abuser for comedy value wouldnt it?

something id never do.
but there are some sad folk out there.
for drug abuse solely goody theres only 1 song in my opinion.its a cover version but without doubt one of the most moving songs i know of.theres no comedy in joking about a drug addiction .

grow up
sorry can't open the link I'm stoned
You're not replying to threads posted - you're creating a whole NEW b!tch fest thread!

So, basically, you're lying or wrong.
I've never seen Dot like this before - never.
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princess im sorry .but just go fk yourself im fed up with your ass kissing fake answers .
sorry if ive offended you but youre boring and moaney.

h t h ?
Ice.Maiden - how do you mean?
Legend, Goodsoulette,Bez, Dot, *princess* - I'm off to chat on MSN. Night all of you - xx
Night Night Icey......I'm off in a min too.....stayed up far to late....take care mate....speak soon xxx
legend002 - Don't tell me to **** off. Also I'm not moaning - you are, repeatedly, on and on and on.

As for my 'fake' answers, you're wrong again! What a surprise. I simply care and I hate to see people unhappy.

Seems that you're mini diva-esque outburst there struck a chord with something I said, eh? Truth hurts and you KNOW you're just being nasty to dot.
Look forward to it Bez - night again hun - x
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bye princess see you when you return as yourself

-- answer removed --
legend002 - what is that meant to mean? I am myself. Have you never talked to nice people? Like I said, being told something you don't want to hear isn't nice. Kinda dents your ego, so you pathetically lash out. Ahem.
and whilst i am on the subject of rants, them f***in buses???? what a laugh!!!!!!!!!! ; 0

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