hello matey,
generally what you'll find with those ads is its a company either trying to sell a weight loss suppliment or a fad diet. without being too long winded, they would be for people who train really hard and who devote a lot of time to looking good naked!
if you are a beginner looking to burn fat, the most efficient way is to join a gym and start a light intensity, long time period CV programme coupled with a suitable resistance prog. progessions to you programme could then include interval training and higher intensity resistance to boost your body's F/Burn ability along with high protien diet, reducing the amount of carbs you eat throughout the day. i never endorse cutting anything out (within reason) but if you're serious about it then start with small sacrificies.
Burning fat is quite a complicated process and the internet will always try to sell you a product, so go to the library and check out some training manuals - no hard selling, just science!
hope this helps