I was cutting some hedges in my garden yesterday and it felt like something bite my leg. When I looked I saw a very small pimple like thing on it so I knocked it off although I had to use my finger nail to push it off. It has left a small hole in my leg and it looks like there is something black in the center. Today it is red ,swollen around the spot and my leg was hurting earlier. Has anyone any ideas what it could be.?
It may possible be a tick and you have only pulled the body off, leaving the head section in your leg
Have it looked at properly and removed, could cause infection
As Dave said, it sounds like it was a Tic. You have to be careful with Tics, as they can pass on an infectious disease called Lyme Disease. If you are concerned, you should contact your surgery or the NHS Direct helpline.
Oh another thing, you should remove Ticks by carefully pulling it off using a pair of pointed tweezers. The black thing in the centre, sounds like part of it's head has been left behind. This probably should be extracted.
Many thanks for all your replies. The black center has gone now but it is still red and hard around it. I dont like to worry to the doctor with it. Most likely an insect bite or something. If it had have been a tick would it have made my groin ache.?