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blood group

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redbreast | 16:06 Thu 18th Sep 2008 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
How canquickly find my blood groupI am told to wait for 2 weeks from the donor people and the hospital shows no concern at all


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why should the hospital show concern? Why do you NEED to know your blood group in a shorter time than 2 weeks? ave you asked your gp if it is recorded on your notes? Do you know what group your parents are? (you might be able to work it out).
If you needed a blood transfusion urgently, they can give you "universal donor" blood until they find out your blood group
The single best , most altruistic way to find out your blood group is to become a blood donor.

Not entirely sure why you need to find out your blood group urgently - If it was for an operation or for a blood tranfusion, well if its that urgent then a blood group can be performed in a very short period of time immediately prior to the transfusion or operation.

It is an extremely rare occasion that someone is transfused O Negative blood to combat blood loss - what more frequently occurs is the transfusion of synthetic colloid fluids whilst blood is being at the very least blood group matched / cross - matched.

If you need it for holiday travel or insurance, or because you do motor racing or a dangerous sport, then going via your GP would be the best bet.... you should be able to get a test performed and the results back in less than 2 weeks, particularly if you offer to pay for it.
If it is for a paternity test, there are far more accurate tests out there than a blood group.
Going by what blood groups your parents are (assuming they actually know) only allows you to approximate what group you might be.. not a very accurate way, and a fairly pointless exercise really.
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Thank you very much,all i wanted to know is in your answer

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