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small lump

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musicmummy | 20:39 Wed 31st Dec 2008 | Health & Fitness
7 Answers
hi, i have just discovered a small lump about the size a bit larger than a pea. its at the top of my leg at the join to my main torso on the front of my body, the other side is ok, do we have gland there?


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Hi musicmummy, If its where i think you mean it might possibly be a gland but go get it checked just the same hun to be on the safe side, let me know how you get on, but dont worry yourself
Could be a lymph node
Question Author
will get it checked in the new year, thank you.
Do you mean the lump is in the groin area? If so then it almost definitely is a gland as we have them in that area.
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yes daffy im sure thats what it is, any idea what could cause this?
sounds like a gland to me, but you should always get lumps checked out. glands pop up when they're fighting infection but some are always "up".. maybe you've just noticed this one.

get it checked out anyway :o)
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thanks to all xxx

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