Rosetta and Sachs (sky x) -you want to get onto your Health Board -thats shameful that we are receiving services which are not available to you nor parts of Scotland either
i know we laught hat we dont have to pay bridge tolls and things in Scotland but thats tonque in cheek -but this is health and its crucial we are all given the same service nationwide
My friend had breasty cancer at 38 - and a wee girl died a few years back with the same when she was just 29.
Its not an 'old' womans disease by any shape nor form -neither is bowel cancer - so I think we should all be on a level playing field as far as this is concerned.
I am really quite sad and appallled.
i hope you take what i have said on board and hassle your MP about this -its your right man and woman -I can provide further info to back up if you feel you are being fobbed off -just EMail me
[email protected].
I'll give you all the the info i have.
BTW -I dont rant any more but I do feel its very unfair that we are not all treated the same as far as health is concerned.