For quite a while now my nose and face have been extremely itchy and look red to me, although everyone I ask says tjhat they aren't red.
I suspect that I have an allergy to something,but I have tried to eliminate foods in my diet,1 at a tim, wash with just water,etc and nothig seems to work.
I had dermatitis on my face last winter (red, sore and itchy). I stopped using all products and just washed with water and used an eczema cream (E45 or aqueous). It did take a while to clear up but my skin was better than it had been in a long time.
do a patch skin test on a small area of your face with creams at the end of the day its trial and error. some product you may get an allergic reaction to and others may be ok for your skin i have an allergy to lanolin to which i avoid at all times.
a mild steroid cream for your face may help, best go see your GP