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Weight Loss

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jo3anna | 20:08 Mon 09th Mar 2009 | Health & Fitness
4 Answers
I am aiming to lose one stone in 2 months (around 2lb per week). I do plenty exercise but aim to improve my diet.
Is this a realistic goal?
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Yes! Drop your calorific intake by 500 cals per day, reduce your refined carbs in favour of complex ones. Lower your fat intake, but ensure you are still getting Omega 3 fats.

Up your resistance exercise, this will increase BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and help to burn fat.
cabbage diet for a week i thought it was great and lost 16 lbs a great booster for a start of healthy eating then just cut out all carbs at night and walk to work and back 3 times a week (6 hrs) and think positive i now enjoy meals much more as i dont pick either
Yes definitely. Ensure that you goal is SMART;

Specific - Which is it - One stone in 2 months
Measurable - scales
Attainable and Realistic - if you do plenty of exericse, around 50-60% of your max heart rate (220 minus age) burns fat rather than carbohydrates and have a well balanced diet no reason why not
Time Based - 2 months.

Good Luck.
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