I am a fairly healthy 26yo male, 6ft2 and approx 12.5 stone.
I have been suffering with accute lower back pain for the past three weeks.
I cannot decide if it is my chair at work (started a new job) or if it is from doing free weights every other evening (literally lifting a smaller dumbell on each arm approximately 40 times on each side, so nothing major).
Can anyone suggest anything? It is absolutely killing me today and I don't want to take any painkillers...
It is also feeling like it is mainly on the left side of the middle of my lower back.
Mr BagPuss suffers badly with lower back pain and he uses a TENS machine. You can get them from Chemists and Supermarkets for about �15-�30 and they are a totally safe pain relief system. It send pulses into your skin which stimulate you own natural pain killers. Mr BagPuss uses his regularly and thinks it is brilliant.
I used to suffer constant backpain but that soon stopped after i stopped carrying that piano with me every where i went!
Seriously though,sounds like a strain,but go and see your doctor and when it heals when you workout throw lower back execises into the mix such as "goodmornings" deadlifts and squats (these 2 workout your whole back) and these you could do at home
I use a lumbar support at work which is really good and you can get special cushions which slope gently downwards as well or try a wobble cushion to help with core strength and stability.