am i underweight? in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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am i underweight?

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No221 | 14:34 Fri 10th Apr 2009 | Health & Fitness
21 Answers
im 15 years old 5'5 im 89/90 pounds what should i weigh and this is ridicoulous i lost 17 pounds through puberty instead of gaining 17 which shuld od happend... especially cause ima boy
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Reading your other threads I seriously doubt you've reached puberty... baldy b0llox...
Question Author
uh thanks for not answering the question and trust me i haveim just gunna make a new name cause u pple in the uk are thick headed snobs
guess that's a yes then........you are a serious lightweight...
Where you from No221?
On the chance that this is a serious question, here is a serious answer.

When you enter puberty, your body has alot of work to do, lots of growing and changing. Your metabolism will usually speed up, and you need more energy for your body to do its thing.
Usually teenage boys turn into eating machines at this time to fuel the changes.

There is a chance that you are just not consuming enough calories to fuel your body, meaning that you are losing weight.

It might be worth uping your food intake, particularly high protein things like meat, dairy and also try pasta.

Dont make the mistake of thinking that this means you should be eating lots of sweets and junk, that will just give you spots and greasy hair!
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this is a serious question why wuldnt it be.... i mean seriously.. what did i ever do
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nt even to mention i was an eating machine last year and now i dnt even have appetite
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cause my life sucks
lol, we had this conversation last night No221, and your life doesnt suck at all.

Get a grip of yourself and stop acting emo, you'll be surpised how much better you'll feel when you do.
If you are genuinely losing weight and have lost your appetite, then you should make an appointment to see your doctor so he can check whats wrong.

Other than that, there isnt much anyone else can advise.
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yea i know but gues what boo there is cause my dctor says its from major depression so whatever
You still here? Run out of Raid I guess
To answer your question , if it's really of interest to you , no you're not underweight . You're only 5' 5 and only still a child at age 15 . As you mature you'll fill out .
well if your doctor has already diagnosed you as suffering from depression and your weight loss is part of this- how on earth do you expect us to help you?
Come in number 221 your time is up!

Bigmamma,you dont want to Screw with her! sonny boy, she has Italian Connections.

The last one that did is now wearing a Cement overcoat!! True
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yea well i do too
Hee , guilable if you believe stompys sense of humour lad , I'm a kittykat softy really .
Stompe , you must stop saying that please .

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am i underweight?

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