A big part of me sympathises with all you have to cope with carrie, it must truly be horrendous & I'm sorry you & your husband have not found the right help - which should be out there.
But this is the 2nd thread this morning where you have been quite rude to people who have only been trying to help. You say there;'s no wonder you have such an attitude - but you are not the only one who has suffered/does suffer, but most people at least maintain politeness unless they are truly being 'got at'. I have seen or read no comment on this thread, or the quiz thread this morning, which was abusive or rude to you.
Maybe you & your husband have had it rough - you will find sympathy on here, but you're not the only ones and a little politeness & gratitude goes a long way. I can't blame you for being on the defensive side, but no need to be so defensive & snappy right from the outset that people back off.