Cholestrol 7.8 in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Cholestrol 7.8

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tamirra | 11:46 Wed 10th Feb 2010 | Health & Fitness
11 Answers
Hi, my mums blood test has just revealed that her cholestrol is 7.8 she has been put straight onto simvastin but she is complaining of pains in her legs which seem to be the right hand side of both of her shin bones, the doc cant say whether its to do with the cholestrol yet until she has been on the tablets to get the cholestrol down, then her wants to see her again for more bloods, does anyone know if this could possibly be to do with the cholestrol or not. Thank you.
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Too little information.

Did she have the pains in her legs before the statins?
Where are the pains in her legs?
When do the pains in her legs come on?
What relieves the pain in her legs?

Total cholesterol has minimal importance....what are her LDL and HDL levels?
The answer is definitely yes. It happened to Mr LL on Simavastin. He has been prescribed another statin and he is fine. People all react differently to different statins. It is quite common for statins to cause muscular pains and cramps.

I have reduced my cholestrol from 7 to 4.9 by cutting down on saturated fats, using Benecol spread and having soya milk on my porridge!!
However, Mr LL had to have blood tests before they changed his statins. I am not suggesting your mum leaves off the statins - just answering your question. It could well be to do with the statins (but not necessarily)
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For Sqad, thats all i know regarding levels, she only was put on statins today, so the pains were before the statins, they come on anytime at rest and play, and the pains come in surges then go as fast as they come, she is and has been for many many years on a low fat diet due to my father high cholestrol, she has never been one for stodgy foods or high fat foods.
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Sorry the pains are the front of her legs right hand side of shin bones
Sorry tamirra. Your question indicate that the pains came on when she started taking simavastin. Didn't realise she had had the pains before or that she only started taking statins today.

However, as Squad has said the significant cholesterol levels are the proportion of 'good' or 'bad' cholesterols. I have a friend whose total cholesterol levels are quite low but he had a high proportion of the 'bad' sort.
tamirra...one cannot blame the statins if they were present before she took her first dose.

I would agree with her Dr.about the causes of her muscle pains.
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I think what she is worried about is the high cholestrol causing the pains, as she knows that high cholestrol means blocked arteries, so i reckon she is thinking on those lines that her arteries are blocking due to the cholestrol being high.
tamirra........maybe, but I doubt it.

They sound more rheumatic in origin to me.
Sorry tamirra - just realised I had misread your initial post and mistakingly thought you were talking about the statins causing the pain. I see what you mean now. Sqad may well be able to answer whether high cholesterol could cause leg pains. However, there could be lots of other reasons.
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Thank you for your replies, all i can do is wait and hope the levels come down and the pains go, what else can i say. Thank you

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