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Blood tests for wrist pain

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annie0000 | 23:47 Sat 13th Mar 2010 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
I have had intermittent problems with pain and stiffness in my wrist for a couple of years, but last week it was really bad and I had to strap it up so went to the docs on Wednesday. She sent me for an xray which i had taken yesterday and I have to go for blood tests next week. Any ideas on what they will check for in the blood tests?


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Possibly to look at ESR levels to check for things like rheumatoid arthritiis etc I had one recently to rule in or out Polymyalgia Rheumatica.
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Thanks Mamyalynne - thought it might be something like that - how did you get on?
Well they said my cell count was a little high but not enough to diagnose PMR, so will soldier on as we do.

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Blood tests for wrist pain

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