i have had 15-20 lumps aspirated over the years, all were cysts and contained the most vile coloured liquid, some were bigger than others. i was always told to treat each lump individually and not to assume anything, so every time i found yet another lump it was off to the doctor and hospital again. i had many mamogrammes and ultrasounds, and was told that i would probably be able to tell the difference between a cystic lump and a nasty one just by feel but i really wouldn't know as none of them were nasty. sometimes a cyst would be picked up by the doctor when i couldn't even feel it, there were times when i had 2 or 3 aspirated at the same appointment.
i was told once i was through menopause it would all settle down - and it has!!!!
the thing is to get to know the feel of your own breasts and then you're aware of any changes, even if you do have lumpy breast normally.