I have had an under active thyroid for a few years now and have tablets for it. Two weeks ago I had my usual blood test and I had a letter from my GP asking to see him. Which I did this morning. He said two of the results where ok but one of them wasnt. He asked if I had any other symptoms such as losing weight (I WISH) or shaking. which I havent so said he thought the results where wrong and just have another blood test in six months. He said something about my brain telling my thyroid to shut off but it isnt. Bit puzzled about it all.
I think it is a bit odd to go from underactive thyroid to overactive, without you having some of the symptoms (weight loss, trembling/tremor, increased heart rate, unable to tolerate heat etc). Seems sensible to wait for next blood test - unless you have any ot the above signs.
Yes think that is why my doctor was puzzled and wanted to see me for himself. I was taking antibiotics at the time of my blood test for a bladder infection which I forgot to tell them about. Could that have anything to do with it.?
No, infection would not alter significantly your thyroid requirements.
If you could phone the surgery and get the results of your thyroid tests then perhaps we may shine some light on your problem. Ask for results of T3, T4, TSH.
If the thyroid has a degree of activity it can change. I have been taking 200micrgrams of eltroxin for years and now am down to 175micrograms. I dont know how old you are but can be affected by menopause, hrt,birth contols pills. I would have thought he would have recomended a test in 3 months rather than six.
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Thyroid blood test results...........................