The figure you refer to is the optical power of the lens, measured in dioptres.
Take a look at this diagram:
The top lens has a short focal length, because rays of light are focused to a point only a short way from the lens. If that distance is around 1/4 of a metre, the optical power of the lens will be 4 dioptres, since optical power is inversely proportional to focal length.
Similarly the focal length of the middle lens might be 1/3 of a metre, giving its optical power as 3 dioptres. With the bottom lens the focal length might be 1/2 a metre, with an optical power of 2 dioptres.
If the lens in your eye is working properly, light from a single point should be focused onto a single point on your retina retina. However sometimes it's focused at a point beyond (or in front of) the retina, so an additional lens (in your specs) is required to add to (or subtract from) the optical power of the lens in your eye.
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