My 11mth old appears to be teething. He has all the usual symptoms, not eating, runny nose, stinky poos and chomping on everything as well as waking up frequently in night unless he is given medicine. Calpol on its own doesn't soothe him so I have been giving him ibuprofen too at the same time (just before bed). This will be around the 5th night now and I feel bad for giving him all this medicine in case he becomes dependant on it to sleep. Could this happen? I am not going over the dosage in any way as through the day he has one dose of ibuprofen at the most. As soon as he starts to eat normally and isn't as cranky I will stop. Is it safe to carry on doing this until the bloody teeth come through? By the way he was checked out at the docs the previous week just in case he was actually ill but he wasn't.
Thanks sqad, she's a he actually! Its my 6yr old thats a girl :) Anyway thats good to hear that it can't overdose him. He's woken up today with a temp now and extra runny nose, not particularly high though (38.3) sure it must be teeth so he has needed extra med today.
Well he's taking about same as usual juice wise but eating a fair few yoghurts and raisins etc so I know there's fluid in those.
And yes he seems to have been teething for 9 months now and still only has 2!