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brenda | 08:37 Sun 03rd Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
that although you know you are going to have a lovely day , you feel sad because you miss your Mum? Anyone else feel like this?


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Indeed - yes. My mum died in 2003, but we can still think of our gone-mothers today.
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Eh c'mon people....brenda is obviously missing her Mum. A few kind words with your 'no'

My answer is No as well....but I understand how you feel.
Do the 'No's" mean you are not in this situation yourself (i.e your Mum has not passed away) or that you couldn't give a toss about your Mum's? Just curious.
Thank you ummm, some of us are feeling the loss.
So the no's are people whose mothers have died, but they dont miss them. That in itself is sad. My mother died over twenty years ago, and it would be nice it she were still here.
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I just couldn't give a toss.

And Ummm has a point.

Brenda, I hope your kids spoil you and you have a lovely day. (I do actually mean that).
When one posts, one has to be prepared for the answers.
I can't ever imagine feeling this way towards my Mother, but then I do not know your own personal stories/experiences.
I do think it's sad that you feel this way though.

Brenda, thankfully my Mum is still with me. I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling today.. :-(
I've just spoken to my Mum and am very pleased to be able to do so.
I truly fear the first time I'm not able to do so.........

Best wishes for today, brenda. :o)
I still have my mum but I can totally relate to what you're saying, Brenda. I miss my dad and on fathers day, the sadness is a little bit closer to the surface.
Thats what I was thinking JTH. I dread the day when this becomes a reality for me. Thankfully, it is a long way off.
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Absolutely Helen. As I said, I obviously cannot comment on your own Mothers/childhoods. It is great that you have a stepmother who you have such a good relationship with. I hope you have a nice day! :-)
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Thank you for your replies, interesting answers .Merely posting a question.
Know what you mean, Brenda, My Mum died in 1992 and I still miss her. Lovely memories of times spent together, though. Have a lovely Mother's Day.

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