Why don`t Drug Company`s make tablets that at least don`t dissolve so quickly in your mouth and taste so bloody awful when they do? I`v been taking them for many many years and I still get them stuck in my throat and mouth? yuuuk, and I take 22-28 a day depending on my discomfort and other things.
Know what you mean carlton!.......I don't have to take that many thankfully, but yes, they are yucky!................but if they help us, then we have it to do!........
But just think, Carlton23:
Without all of those foul-tasting tablets you wouldn't have all of the excuses for eating/drinking something nice afterwards (such as a a lovely syrup pudding with custard, or a glass or two of vino) 'just to take the taste away' ;-)
I used to be the world's worst pill taker then read somewhere that if you put your head forward when swallowing it eased them on their way. It works for me so maybe worth a try.
Be well. :)